Welcome to joyful.
My name is Anastazja and I am a PhD student in Psychology. Joyful. is my personal project, in which I share my thoughts and talk with experts about happiness.
The mission of joyful. is to share stories and knowledge that can help the listeners lead a happier life. I hope that this podcast will create a community of people engaged in making the world a better place, and that this initiative will one day develop into a larger project spreading the joy around the world.
In the podcast you can find two types of episodes: Guest Series and Solo Episodes. In Guest Series, I engage in conversations with scientists, economists, psychologists, lecturers, entrepreneurs and other inspiring people, to ask about their angle and expertise in domains which contribute to our overall happiness levels. In the Solo Episodes, I am talking about topics related to one of the 5 happiness pillars of happiness that I've created at joyful:
- taking care of your mental and physical health
- building healthy relationships
- seeing and breathing beauty
- finding purpose and meaning
- being kind
Are you ready?
Today is a perfect day to become joyful. with me.
If you would like to actively participate in the development of joyful., do not hesitate to contact me at
4. How to form long lasting good habits (and break the bad ones). | Dr Philippa Lally
(Former Healthy Habits Podcast)
In this episode of joyful. I talk with Dr Philippa Lally - a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Surrey in England and Co-Director of the Habit Application and Theory Research Group. Her research focuses on investigating habitual behaviours and, together with Dr Benjamin Gardner, she works on introducing habit-based approaches to promote healthy habits in general public.
In today's episode we discuss what are habits, how can they help us in becoming healthier in our daily lives and what are some common myths and misconceptions about them. With the rise of popularity of the Atomic Habits book and Wellbeing blogs and podcasts, more and more people become interested in the notion of good and bad habits. Today, Dr Lally is there to offer a scientific perspective on what we actually know about how good and bad habits may contribute or restrain us from living a healthy life and she offers some tips on how to make a good habit stick.
Take your notebook to write all that down and join us in joyful.
🪄 The magical power of habit - Can Habits have the power to make us live healthier lives?
📖 What current research tells us about habit formation?
🫐 The role of the environment & healthy choices
Wood, W. (2021). Good habits, bad habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick, Macmillan.
Dr Philippa Lally's research
00:00:00 Intro & Guest presentation
00:02:33 Are habits automatic or intentional? Definition of Habit
00:08:42 Simple and Complex Habits, Habit Instigation and Execution
00:12:30 Habit formation
00:22:03 Bad Habits and Addictions
00:25:26 Habits on a neuronal level & How habits contribute to our well being.
00:33:31 Atomic Habits & Other books
00:35:16 Legal Rules and Environment in Good Habit Formaiton
00:39:08 How to break a bad habit?
00:44:01 Habits for Patients Living With and Beyond Cancer
00:48:41 The rise of Popularity of Habit Formation for Well-being and CBT Therapy
00:54:36 Dr Lally's New Year's Resolutions
00:56:35 Challenge #6
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Our intro is created thanks to soundslikeanearful.
Thank you for listening.
Joyful. 🌻
Anastazja Adamczyk