
1. Who are you? | Anastazja Adamczyk

Season 1 Episode 1

(Former Healthy Habits Podcast)
I invite you to reflect upon who you are and what makes you, you. In describing how our memory impacts our sense of self, I bring up the works of scientists from the domains of neuroscience and psychology, which shed light on the understanding on how we create the beliefs we have about ourselves and, most importantly, how we can change them.

-> What Is a Self-Concept?
-> How Does Memory Shape Our Sense of Self?
-> Are We All Guilty of Crafting Our Past?
-> What's Behind Our Brains 'Cherry-Picking' Memories?
-> Did He Really Mean What He Did? Mistakes and Automatic Behaviours.

- Why am I here?
- What can I bring to the world?
- When am I the happiest?

Check it out:
TED Talk on False and Manipulated Memories

1) Weiten, W., Dunn, D. S., & Hammer, E. Y. (2016). Psychology Applied to Modern Life : Adjustment in the 21st century. Cengage Learning.

2) Loftus, E. F., & Pickrell, J. E. (1995). The formation of false memories. Psychiatric Annals, 25(12), 720‑725.

3) Conway, M. (2005). Memory and the self. Journal of Memory and Language, 53(4), 594‑628.

4) Feldman-Barrett, L. (2020). Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 

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Our intro is created thanks to soundslikeanearful.

Thank you for listening.
Joyful. 🌻
Anastazja Adamczyk